Age Of Empires [cheats updated]
Press [Enter] and type in the cheat code.

DIEDIEDIE You all die
RESIGN You resign
REVEAL MAP Reveals all the map
PEPPERONI PIZZA Give yourself 1000 food
COINAGE Give yourself 1000 gold
WOODSTOCK Give yourself 1000 wood
QUARRY Give yourself 1000 stone
NO FOG Removed the Fog of War
MEDUSA Villagers become medusa. When villager is killed,
he becomes a black rider and if killed again he
becomes a heavy catapult.
PHOTON MAN Get a 'Nuke Trooper' (Guy with a laser gun)
GAIA Control The Animals (You Loose Control Of Your
FLYING DUTCHMAN Juggernauts turn into the Flying Dutchman
STEROIDS Instant build
HOME RUN Win the scenario
KILLX Where X is the players position (1-8)
BIGDADDY Get a cool car with a rocket launcher
BIGMOMMY = Bigdaddy, only car is white this time
BIG BERTHA Heavy catapults have greater range and damage
ICBM Ballistias get 100 range points
HOYOHOYO Priest speed up alot, and get 600 hit points
JACK BE NIMBLE Catapults fire peasants who do somersaults as they
fly through the air.
E=MC2 TROOPER Get a futuristic trooper who fires nuclear missles
which explode when they hit.
ZEUS Troops invincible
BLACK RIDER Rinding archers turn to Black Knights
DARK RAIN Archers mask as trees

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