Star Trek: Starfleet Command [cheats]
Cheat mode
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "sfbspc13.txt" file in the "assets\specs\" sub-directory. The following changes can be done: add cloaking ability, change engine power levels, add shuttles and fighters, change weapons, change shield levels, add more transporters, troops, mines, and more. Note: While playing a game in multi-player mode, all players must use an identical "sfbspc13.txt" file.

Extra prestige points
Begin any mission and execute an alpha strike on your opponent's right shield, but do not completely destroy it. Then, fire a photon torpedo into the front left shield. Finally, press [Ctrl] + [F4] to gain 4,000 prestige points.

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