Superbike 2001 [cheats]
Extra speed
Enter "EAPOWER" as a name.

Extra cornering grip
Enter "GRIPPY" as a name.

Extra braking power
Enter "STOPPY" as a name.

Big heads, hands, and feet
Enter "LAGUNA" as a name.

Win Every Time
Start a Race (not training). During the race, type in PLEASEMAKEMEWIN. At the end of the race you will come first.

When taking sharp corners, follow this pattern: decelerate, brake and turn, then accelerate and straighten out on the way out of the bend.
Stick to the "behind-bike" viewpoint. As nice as the "in-head" and close-up cameras look, it's easier to play from afar.
Watch replays of races. Looking at telemetry information during replays, it's easy to spot mistakes and learn new techniques.
-from anonymous

Hosted by uCoz