Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom [cheats]
CTRL+ALT+C to bring up the cheat console, use the following cheats:
Uncle Sam ?
TimeBandits ?
Lizardman ?
Jumble town ?
Bad Wallpaper ?
Black Death Kill all units
Great Heat ?
Shake Shake Earthquake
Glub Glub Flood
SoundFrags ?
Reset Timing ?
Dump Timing ?
Toggle Alpha ?
Gimme Goods Get different resources
Kill Enemy Units Kill enemy units
Kill Loan Units Kill loan units
SpawnMugger ?
SpawnBandit ?
Chinese Flu ?
IgnoreDesire ?
FunForElite ?
WaresForElite ?
TeaForElite ?
SilkForElite ?
CeramicsForElite ?
HempForElite ?
Delian Treasury Get +5.000 Delians
Shutime ?
I win again Win scenario (with a little delay)
Framerate ?
Use Trainer to max. Delians if you get bored of typing "Delian Treasury"
the time...
/ Thrall