Europa Universalis 2 [cheats]
1) Press F12 to open the cheat window.
2) Key the cheat code and press Enter.
3) Press ctrl-F12 to exit the cheat window.
dagama = 6 traders
pocahontas = 6 colonists
vatican = 6 diplomats
loyola = 6 missionaries
montezuma = +50000 ducats
swift = adds 10.000 population to capital province
oranje = sets Stability to +3
russianhordes = no manpower limits
difrules = You'll never lose a battle.
columbus = make whole map visible (Warning. This persists in a save
file. If you only want to look at the map. Save the game first. Then
use that save game for future play after looking around.)
pappenheim = toggles Fog of War (toggle ON/OFF)
richelieu = allows you to control all military units (toggle ON/OFF)
wallenstein = allows you to review the status of all provinces (toggle
robespierre = Change domestic policy freely (Note, robespierre will
still be on if you load a new game)
ney = game does not pause when events occur (Warning: one should validate
them once in a while anyway)
gustavus = Add 100 ducats to land tech investment.
drake = Add 100 ducats to naval tech investment. cromwell = Add 100
ducats to infra tech investment.
polo = Add 100 ducats to trade tech investment.
cortez = eliminates all natives (toggle ON/OFF)
alba = there will be no more revolts (toggle ON/OFF)
tilly = the A.I. will not declare war (toggle ON/OFF)
tordesillas = triggers the effects of the Treaty of Tordesillas (allows
Spain and Portugal to attack anyone outside of Europe) (toggle ON/OFF)
luther = triggers the effects of the Reformation (allows nations to
convert to protestantism) (toggle ON/OFF)
calvin = triggers the effects of John Calvin (allows nations to convert
to reformed christian) (toggle ON/OFF)
trent = triggers the effects of the Council of Trent (cancels effects
of Johan Calvin and Treaty of Tordesillas) (toggle ON/OFF)
event event# : Trigger event (see list below).
Example: event 1000.
1000 - English Pirates
1001 - Random Revolt
1002 - Religious Turmoil
1003 - Heretics
1004 - Gift to the State
1005 - Temporary Insanity
1006 - Excellent Minister
1007 - Scandal at Court
1008 - Wave of Obscurantism
1009 - Exceptional Year
1010 - Rush of Colonists
1011 - Diplomatic Move
1012 - Diplomatic Fame
1013 - Colonial Dynamism
1014 - Unexpected Invention
1015 - Rush of Merchants
1016 - Plague
1017 - Reformation of the Army
1018 - Reformation of the Navy
1019 - Enthusiasm for Army
1020 - Enthusiasm for Navy
1021 - Agricultural Revolution
1022 - Devastating Fire
1023 - Good Government Policies
1024 - Bad Government Policies
1025 - Unhappiness with Clergy
1026 - Unhappiness among Artisans
1027 - Unhappiness among Peasants
1028 - Unhappiness among Merchants
1029 - New Mineral
1030 - Political Crisis
1031 - Corruption
1032 - Deflation
1033 - Diplomatic Insult
1034 - Forfication Efforts
1035 - Bank
1036 - Stock Exchange
1037 - Company of Trade
1038 - Colonial Uprising
1039 - Heretic Uprising
1040 - Explorer
1041 - Conquistador
1042 - Nobles (-2 stab)
1043 - Trading Company Disaster
1044 - Internal Trade
1045 - Meteor Sighted
1046 - Fire Ordinance
1047 - Saint Performs Miracle
1048 - Medical
1049 - Noble Feud 1050 - Nobles ally with Foreign Power
1051 - Assassination
1052 - Cessation of Church Functions to Nobility
1053 - Sale of Offices
1054 - Monopoly Company Formed
1055 - Nobles Demand Increased Pensions
1056 - Grant Export Licenses
1057 - New Land Claimed
1058 - Establish Cantonments
1059 - Nobles Demand Old Rights
1060 - Cities Demand Old Rights
1061 - Non-enforcemnts of Ordinances
1062 - Bourgeoisie Request Privileges
1063 - Italian Engineer Available
1064 - Foreign Drill Instructor Available
1065 - Build a Great Palace
1066 - Indulgence Peddler
1067 - Uncooperative Philosopher
1068 - Regional Heresy
1069 - Boundary Dispute
1070 - Merchants Harassed
1071 - Regional Population Boom
1072 - Petition for Redress
1073 - Grant Nobles Aid
1074 - Support for Dissidents Abroad
1075 - Foreign Trade Competition Rises
1076 - Exceptional Court Painter Available