Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul [cheats updated]
During gameplay, press ~ for the console and type 'thingamabob' to
enable cheat mode and "Activated!" message will appear. Now press
~ again and type any of the following "Codes":
help - List Some Console Commands
fps 0 or 1 - Hide or Show FPS Counter
give 0 money [amount] - At the Map Selection/Party Equip screen
give 0 exp [amount] - At the Map Selection/Party Equip screen
help - List of Console Commands
lootall - Get all laying objects across mission map into your inventory
exit or quit - Exit Game
@godmode(0,1) - God Mode (invulnerability to any attack, run without
stamina drain)
@godmode(0,2) - God Mode (your attacks automatically hit and kill
ALL living things)
@godmode(0,0) - God Mode Off
@givestrength(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) - Give XXX Strength
@givedexterity(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) - Give XXX Dexterity
@giveintelligence(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) - Give XXX Intelligence
@leavetozone(0,"name",0) - Skip to New Zones
Instead of name you can use following strings to be transported to
the various zones.
(for example, @leavetozone(0,"bz1g",0) brings you to the village on
the first island)
Briefing zones:
bz10k - New Green clan's residence
bz11k - Abandoned mines
bz13h - Fortress
bz14h - Last Shelter
bz15h - Old necromancer's tower
bz16h - Secret trading place
bz18h - Cave - meeting place
bz1g - Village
bz2g - Witch's cave
bz3g - Dragon's lair
bz4g - Khadaganian expedition camp
bz5g - Lizard hermit's home
bz6g - Sheivar settlement
bz7g - Great Mage's Catacomb
bz8k - City of Ingos
bz9k - Green clan's residence
Game zones:
gz10g - Tunnel
gz11k - City environs
gz12k - Abandoned mines
gz13k - Karansul's domain
gz14k - Forbidden catacombs
gz15h - Death canyon
gz16h - Wormheads' cave
gz17h - Necromancers' desert
gz18h - The city of Suslanger and its environs
gz19h - Portal
gz1g - Ruins
gz20g - Catacombs
gz2g - The road to the witch
gz3g - Foothills
gz4g - Remote mountains
gz5g - Cave
gz6g - Middle mountains
gz7g - The river and the islands
gz8g - Sands
gz9g - Dead city
Note that the game is going to be really hard if you just skip around
between zones. You'll probably also want to enter these codes if you
are exploring:
Note that you can use give cheats only after you reach the first town,
and that some can be used only in German version of the game.
Unknown Console Commands: localrate, rate, ban, kick, partyresend,
days, generateacks, disconnect, net, memusage, server, join, fadeout,
execute or exec, lastfps, loadvar, listvar, show, filter, history,
console, debuginfo