NBA Inside Drive 2000 [cheats]
No Intro Movie
This command line option gets rid of the long movies that play when
ID2000 starts. To do this you will need to click the Start button
in Windows and then click the run option. Then use the browse button
and find your nba2000.exe file. Then click on the nba2000.exe file
and click the open button. Then all you need to do is type -novideo
after the nba2000.exe in the run command box. You can also do this
through the ID2000 shortcut on your desktop. To do this simply right-click
on the desktop icon and select properties. Then under the shortcut
tab you will see the full path to the game and after nba2000.exe just
add -novideo. It will probably look something like c:\program files\microsoft
games\inside drive 2000\nba2000.exe -novideo
Hidden Courts
To get the 3 hidden courts do the following. You have to use the run
command in windows and this is a command line cheat just like the
mini players and the alley oops. After the NBA2000.exe put (-floor
gym) without the parenthesis. That will allow you to play on the gym
court. You can also access the High Voltage parking lot court and
the outside practice court with the -floor command. Simply put (-floor
hvs) or (-floor outside) to get them. So basically there are 3 courts
that you can access by using the -floor command line option. There
is also a construct court and a software court but they're missing
files so they won't work.
Hidden Teams
To get to the hidden super teams in the game do the following. From
the main screen move you mouse to the bottom left hand part of the
screen until you mouse highlights. Click there and you will be brought
to the credits screen. Look at the credits and when you go back in
the team select screen you will see 4 new teams at the end of the
slider bar - 2 High Voltage teams and 2 Microsoft teams. If you play
HVS at home you will play on a cool court in their parking lot!
Easy Alley Oops
This relaxes the requirements for alley-oops to occur. It does not
make your receiver cut for the alley-oop, it simply removes some of
the checks to see if he's got a perfect lane to the hoop open. The
way to make this happen is to pass to a guy who is breaking towards
the hoop. To get this cheat to work place the following command on
the run command line right after the inside drive executable without
the quotes "-EasyAlleyOops"
For mini players or huge players use the following command line arguments
just like the one above without the quotes "-HugePlayers" or "-MiniPlayers"